Strategies to Better Manage Noncompliance
The IRB at the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York in Lake Success, NY, noticed a problematic trend of researchers amending their studies in the continuing review reports.
Final Common Rule Is An Improvement, But Leaves Some Questions Unanswered
There were many changes between the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and the final rule, and even more changes since the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which is a good thing, IRB experts say.
Common Rule Change Took Six Years to Complete — And Could Be Upended in 30 Seconds
After six years of debate, criticism, and waiting, the 543-page Common Rule looks a lot better than the original proposal in 2011, but the biggest question now is whether the work will be upended with the stroke of a pen.
Here are Some Sample Items From New HFAP Requirements
HFAP has released new environmental rules in its accreditation requirements for ASCs.
HFAP Changes Standards After Updated Life Safety Code Rules
ASCs must meet environmental safety standards, but they do not always put the most knowledgeable people in charge of this task, which could result in a big mistake.
Ready for That Survey? Here are Some Helpful Tips
Here’s what everyone about to be surveyed has in common: Fear.
Employee Health Must Navigate Conflict Between State And Federal Marijuana Laws
Evolving state laws regarding the legal use of marijuana mean that healthcare providers’ existing policies on drug use should be reviewed to ensure they do not violate labor laws or provide an opportunity for civil litigation, while still ensuring patient safety, experts say.
‘All Hazards’ Training Must Include All HCWs
As with natural disaster planning, preparing for infectious disease outbreaks must prioritize protection and accommodations for healthcare workers if facilities expect to remain open for business.
New York Safe Lifting Law Could Be Model For Other States
A New York state law now in effect requires healthcare facilities to establish safe patient lifting programs that include the formation of committees, risk assessments and purchase of devices.
A History Of Violence: One Nurse’s Story
OSHA has formally initiated rulemaking for a regulation to protect healthcare workers from rampant violence perpetuated by patients and visitors. As a result, healthcare workers are coming forth with horrific accounts of violent attacks.