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Community Case Management



  • Case Management Insider

    In the December 2011 issue of Case Management Insider we discussed the roles most commonly used by case managers in today's acute care setting. These included the following:
  • 2011 Salary Survey Results: CMs are being paid more but working longer hours

    Salaries for case managers are increasing but the vast majority of case managers are working far more than the typical 40-hour week, according to the 2011 Hospital Case Management Salary Survey.
  • Multidisciplinary initiate cuts length of stay

    A multi-disciplinary initiative to make sure patients receive care in the right setting at the right time for the right reason has resulted in a drop in length-of-stay at the two hospitals in the Memorial Health Care System in Chattanooga, TN.
  • Hospitals, providers collaborate on transitions

    In order to facilitate smooth transitions between levels of care and ensure that patients continue to recover after they are discharged from the hospital, Baystate Health, with headquarters in Springfield, MA, is partnering with post-acute providers and meeting regularly to discuss opportunities for improved patient care and partnership.
  • Are you prepared for high BMI patients or just focused on their gown sizes?

    As the num ber of people in the general population with high body mass index (BMI) rises, outpatient surgery providers are seeing growing numbers of these patients. The question arises, are providers treating them appropriately? No, according to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA).
  • Mandatory reporting for adverse events jumps

    More states are mandating adverse event reporting, and this trend could have a significant impact on healthcare providers, says Kathryn Schulke, BSN, a principal with the law firm of Booz Allen Hamilton in Rockville, MD. Twenty-seven states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation requiring adverse event reporting, she says.
  • Resident training and informed consent

    According to a study that appears in Archives of Surgery, between 85% and 94% of patients were willing to sign forms permitting medical residents to assist surgeons, but many will not consent to giving residents a major role during surgery.
  • Keep patients happy when delays occur

    During morning surgery rush times, registrars at Indiana University Health North Hospital in Carmel began monitoring the actual time patients were arriving in a database.
  • Which is better: open, laparoscopic, or robotic?

    The author informs us that the winner of the 2010 Tour de France was Alberto Contador, riding a Specialized SL3 racing bike. The U.S. rider Chris Horner finished 12 minutes behind riding a Trek, Madone.
  • Same-Day Surgery Manager: Revamping surgery in the outpatient area

    By every standard, outpatient surgery is growing. The recession took a bite out of it, with many patients delaying elective surgery until they obtained new positions and health insurance. However, by and large, most facilities are seeing resurgence in cases again in the hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs) and freestanding centers.