Community Case Management
Approaching End of Life Holistically and Peacefully
Patients with multiple chronic illnesses often are frail and could benefit from case management that includes addressing end-of-life care.
Know Older, Medically Complex Patients’ Wishes
Healthcare for the older, chronically ill population poses numerous challenges, but it also suggests an opportunity for case managers to address advance directive and end-of-life questions and needs.
Step Toward Bundled Payments
The final bundled payments rule is similar to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, but with a great deal more complexity.
Has the Needlestick Problem Been Solved? AOHP Study Answers a Resounding ‘No’
Bloodborne pathogen exposures to healthcare workers were higher than expected and not declining in incidence rates, according to the latest results from the Exposure Study of Occupational Practice.
NY Case Management Programs Encounter Enrollment Obstacles
One of the major challenges of a sweeping care coordination management program that targets people with the trio of medical, behavioral, and social problems is that this very population is among the most difficult to enroll in any kind of sustained healthcare effort.
Health Home Model has Flexibility for ‘Social Determinants of Health’
'Social determinants of health' greatly affect some patients’ health, leading to worse outcomes unless those issues are resolved.
As Demand for Case Managers Rises, Educators Meet the Need
Case management positions and hiring are on the rise as healthcare organizations respond to changes brought by the Affordable Care Act.
Warm Handoffs Connect Substance Abuse Patients to Vital Services
Although there are varying perspectives on whether emergency providers should place substance abuse patients on medication-assisted treatment while patients are in the emergency setting, there is wide agreement that linking all such patients to treatment is important.
New Initiative Slashes Opioid Prescriptions, Boosts Community Response
The Monterey County Prescribe Safe Initiative is a multi-agency collaborative conceived in February 2014 as a way to address the problem of prescription opioid misuse in Monterey County, CA.
Sample List of Quality Measures Under Health Home Model
The New York State Health Home Program has a five-page list of goal-based quality measures collected to assess the program’s success.