Before North Broward Medical Center in Deerfield Beach, FL, re-engineered its discharge process two years ago, 29% of patients were being readmitted within 30 days. Now, the figure has dropped to 15%.
(Editor's note: Have you experienced sexism in your position? Or do you know of a good way to avoid this problem creeping up in your program? Contact Joy Dickinson, Executive Editor, at
[email protected].)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released proposed guidelines for Medicare's new ASC quality reporting program, available by the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) on ASCA Connect at http://bit.ly/K6OM1O. According to the ASCA, the proposal provides the following information:
When examining compliance issues before your survey by The Joint Commission, consider the quote from former president Ronald Reagan: "Trust, but verify."
As part of The Joint Commission's Speak Up initiatives for patient safety, the agency is offering colorful posters that feature the characters from the Speak Up videos. The posters can be downloaded for free.
I receive some interesting questions as a result of Same-Day Surgery newsletter. Some are funny, others serious; there are a few sad ones, and some are outrageous. I tried this month to pick ones that I think might be universal to all surgery providers. I hope you agree.
A new targeted solutions tool (TST) from The Joint Commission's Center for Transforming Healthcare to address wrong-site surgeries cut those surgeries by 63% in the preoperative area, 51% in the OR, and 46% in the scheduling area during the testing period. These reductions are significant, considering that there are as many as 40 wrong-site surgeries each week.
(Editor's note: As part of the celebration of our 35th anniversary year, Same-Day Surgery is giving gold star awards to outstanding leaders and innovators in the field. This month marks our first award winner. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for this award, contact Joy Daughtery Dickinson. Email:
[email protected].)
The Joint Commission has published the answer to a frequently asked question by hospitals, ambulatory centers, and office-based surgeons related to non-licensed, non-employee individuals.