Although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) asked for suggestions on alternative methods of identifying and paying for short hospital stays, the agency did not clarify the two-midnight rule in the Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rule for 2015.
A significant portion of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 2015 Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rule focuses on quality and raises the percentage of the Medicare base payment hospitals can lose if they perform poorly.
As part of its mission to cut costs and improve quality, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has launched a pilot project that pays a fixed price for health services by multiple providers over a period of time.
How would you like to reduce your staffing costs from 52% to 20% of your revenue in seven months? It is possible, based on the successes at Melville (NY) Surgery Center.
When difficult medical terms are used in a text, the reading grade level is higher.
Desktop sterilizer that have had no preventive maintenance and calibration, and no spore tests are being done to ensure sterility.
Looking back into 2008, I noticed that a few things worked well, considering what a miserable year it was. However, many other things did not. I found there to be some consistency in the stuff that worked and the stuff that didn't, with the common ground being communication.
Allowing patients the option of preregistering online is good for patient satisfaction and also frees up patient staff for those who prefer to speak with a representative.
The new Medicare Conditions for Coverage (CfC), which take effect May 18, 2009, have several changes for ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), according to the ASC Association. According to the association, they include: