Colorectal Cancer
Pharmacology Watch
Rivaroxaban may be dabigatran's first competitor; a new way to measure non-adherence to medication therapy; FDA Actions.Finding Optimal Therapy for Gastric Cancer
A trial undertaken by EORTC was designed to determine if neoadjuvant chemotherapy would be successful in the absence of post-surgical chemotherapy in enhancing overall survival in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. The trial did not accrue sufficient numbers of patients to demonstrate a survival benefit. However, presurgical chemotherapy was associated with a higher rate of complete resection and fewer positive lymph nodes, features that suggest progression-free and overall survival might be favorably affected.Treating Colon Cancer in Patients with Diabetes
In a retrospective review of consecutive patients with colon cancer, the presence of diabetes mellitus was found to confer negative prognostic information with regard to overall, and cancer-specific, survival. Notably, it was in patients with stage II disease that the presence of diabetes was of most importance.Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
Risk of Lymph Node Metastasis in T1 Colorectal Carcinoma
Subsite-Specific Incidence Rate And Stage Of Disease in Colorectal Cancer by Race, Gender, and Age Group in the United States
Pharmacology Watch: GlaxoSmithKline Withdraws Lymerix: Company ‘Cuts Losses’ on Controversial Lyme Disease Vaccine
Rehab joins with oncology to offer massage
Antibody-Mediated Pure Red-Cell Aplasia in Patients Treated with Recombinant Erythropoietin
Laparoscopic Colectomy for Cancer Offers Minimal Short-Term Benefit Over Open Colectomy