Preventing Strokes After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Researchers continue testing cerebral embolic protection devices as a solution — but are they effective?
Whole Grains vs. Refined Grains: Preventing Early-Onset Heart Disease
Researchers found eating too many refined grains is like consuming an excess of sugar.
Keep on the Sunny Side: Timing Meals for Better Mental Health
Feelings of anxiety and depression can fluctuate depending on when one eats throughout the day.
Expert Panel Debunks Common Sleep-Related Myths
Authors identified and deconstructed 10 misconceptions parents hold about teenage nocturnal patterns.
Top Heart Medication Could Help Alcohol Use Disorder Patients
Spironolactone is known to block mineralocorticoid receptors, an action believed to reduce alcohol cravings.
Irregular Sleep Could Cause More Inflammation
Those who slept few hours per night exhibited troubling signs of improper immune system function in a small study.
CDC: U.S. Adult Obesity Rate Up Sharply
At least 35% of adults are obese in 19 states and two territories.
Measuring the Effect of Ending Food Deserts in Obese Children
A study of New York City students followed for 12 months after the opening/remodeling of a grocery store incentivized to provide healthy food options revealed a small but significant decrease in body mass index scores and a decrease in the likelihood of obesity in the students living within walking distance to the store compared to a control group of peers living farther from such a store.
Probiotics and Iron Intake in Pregnant Women
In a randomized, controlled trial, a significantly smaller decrease in serum ferritin was observed in pregnant women with the intake of a Lactinplantibacillus plantarum 299v supplement containing a low dose of iron, folic acid, and ascorbic acid than in the placebo group.
Should Endovascular Thrombectomy Be Performed With or Without Intravenous Alteplase?
With the widespread adoption of endovascular thrombectomy for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion, a debate has raged about the role of intravenous thrombolysis. None of the clinical trials published to date have given us a clear evidence-based answer regarding the relative risks and benefits of this approach.