Abortion Rate in United States Continues to Decline
Results of a new analysis of 2017 data indicate that the U.S. abortion rate dropped to 13.5 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age, the lowest rate recorded since abortion was legalized in 1973 and an 8% decline from 2014.
ACOG Expands Backing for OTC Contraception
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has updated its guidance regarding over-the-counter access to hormonal contraception, expanding its support for access to vaginal rings, the contraceptive patch, and contraceptive injections with no age restrictions.
Research Confirms Cost Savings of Same-Day LARC Placement in Teens
Data from a recent study indicate allowing teens the option to obtain a long-acting reversible contraceptive on the same day as their clinic visit could lead to significant cost savings.
Predictors of Response to a Specific Psychological Treatment in Chronic Low-Back Pain
A theoretical model employed to predict response to either mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, or mindfulness-based therapy in patients with chronic low-back pain showed evidence that this type of model may be useful in determining which patients are most likely to benefit from a specified intervention.
Effects of Probiotics on Cognition and Falls Risk in Patients With Cirrhosis
Patients with cirrhosis and mild cognitive impairment and falls were randomized to a probiotic formulation vs. placebo. Probiotic treatment improved cognitive outcomes and reduced the risk of falls.
Mortality and Vitamin D Supplementation: A Meta-Analysis
In this systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, researchers determined that when compared with placebo or no treatment, vitamin D supplementation alone was not associated with an increase in overall all-cause mortality, though there were some nuances based on vitamin D form and type of mortality.
Iron Absorption in Iron Deficiency Anemia With Alternate-Day Dosing
In a cohort of 19 women with iron deficiency anemia, alternate-day doses of iron led to 40-50% more iron absorption compared to consecutive-day doses. -
Stopping Cannabis Improves Cognitive Function in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
The authors of a recent study evaluated the effect of discontinuing cannabis use in patients with multiple sclerosis. Stopping cannabis led to significant improvements in memory, processing speed, and executive function.
Bright Light Therapy in Depression and Insomnia Associated With Parkinson’s
Bright light therapy (10,000 lux intensity for 30 minutes twice daily) and a low intensity control light showed similar efficacy in treatment of depression associated with Parkinson’s disease; the bright light therapy showed some advantages in improving subjective quality of sleep.
The Role of Muscle MRI in the Diagnosis of Motor Neuron Diseases
The current study characterizes novel patterns of abnormalities on muscle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinobulbar muscular atrophy. Further, MRI changes correlate with disease severity.