Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Remains Urgent Health Threat
The CDC recently released an update of its 2013 report, Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, the first report to examine the threats posed by antibiotic resistance on human health. Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea was listed as one of the three most urgent threats of its kind in the United States in 2013, and it retains its status as one of the five most urgent threats in the 2019 report.
Grocery Chain Expands Access to Contraceptives With Pharmacist Provision
Access to contraception has been broadened in seven Western states as Kroger Health pharmacists now offer contraceptive patches and self-administered hormonal contraceptive products.
Help Women With Chronic Conditions Choose the Most Effective Form of Contraception
One in three women of reproductive age has been diagnosed with at least one chronic condition that could lead to adverse health and pregnancy outcomes — yet few are using the most effective forms of birth control to prevent unplanned pregnancies, according to research from the University of Utah.
Optimism (Hopefully!) Increases Odds of ‘Exceptional Longevity’
Analysis of 10-year follow-up data from the Nurses’ Health Study and 30-year follow-up data from the Veteran Affairs Normative Aging Study show a significant association between baseline levels of higher optimism and longevity, even when data is adjusted for health behaviors and psychosocial factors.
Soft Drinks and Death
This long-term, large-scale European study finds that higher use of total soft drinks is associated with a higher risk of death; additionally, higher use of artificially sweetened soft drinks is associated with higher risk of death from cardiovascular illness and higher use of sugar-sweetened soft drinks is associated with higher risk of death from digestive illnesses.
Vegetarians and Stroke
A prospective cohort study in the United Kingdom demonstrated that vegetarians have a 22% lower incidence of ischemic heart disease, but a 20% increased incidence of total stroke, mostly related to hemorrhagic stroke, when compared to meat eaters. No difference in ischemic stroke or acute myocardial infarction was found.
Lavender Aromatherapy During Chemotherapy
Lavender oil aromatherapy demonstrated some benefits in sleep and anxiety for people undergoing chemotherapy.
Peppermint Oil for IBS?
The PERSUADE study, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of two formulations of peppermint oil, demonstrated no statistically significant reduction in abdominal pain response nor overall symptom relief in Rome IV IBS patients using Food and Drug Administration/European Medicines Agency endpoint criteria over an eight-week trial period.
Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Results in Increase in Serious Hemorrhages Following TIA or Minor Stroke
Smartwatches for the Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation