Religion and Spirituality in Primary Care
Religious commitment is intrinsically connected to cultural, mental, spiritual, and societal aspects of wellness, and, thus, should be better recognized by the medical community, whose goal is to provide culturally competent, relationship-centered healthcare. As physicians strive to provide care that is culturally competent and patient-centered, they must be careful to take into account their patients’ deepest human commitments.
Plant-Based Diet Could Cut Stroke Risk
Eating a diet rich in beans, vegetables, and whole grains was beneficial in a long-term study.
The Growing List of Long-Haul COVID-19 Symptoms
Swedish researchers observe rapid heart rate, dizziness in patients months after viral infection.
Modest Improvements in Mortality Rate Disparities in Rural Areas
Black adults living in rural areas in the United States still are more likely to die from diabetes, high blood pressure compared to white adults.
What Causes Stroke in Young Patients?
A patient might be young, but he or she could be living with serious, unaddressed medical conditions that can lead to disaster.
Measles Outbreak Cost Public Millions of Dollars
The 2019 re-emergence of this vaccine-preventable disease cost a single U.S. county more than $3 million.
Defining Patient- and Family-Centered Care Outcomes in the ICU
Using semi-structured interviews with intensive care unit (ICU) survivors and their family members, investigators identified several ICU processes of care and outcomes after the ICU that were important to this population.
COVID-19 ARDS Is Associated with Higher Compliance and Lung Gas Volume Compared to Non-COVID-19 ARDS
This retrospective analysis compared historical cohorts with COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with respect to compliance and arterial partial pressure of oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F) ratios. For comparable P/F ratios, patients with ARDS caused by COVID-19 had higher lung compliance and more lung gas volume.
Noninvasive Ventilation in Adult Acute Care: Beyond Clinical Indications
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a commonly used modality in adult acute care. This article examines aspects of NIV that might affect the modality’s success or failure.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Pasteurellosis Suspected in Asian Elephant Deaths; Negative-Strand Testing for COVID-19