Individuals with substance use disorder and higher rates of unintended pregnancies could benefit from a family planning intervention targeted for that population. The peer-led family planning navigation intervention employed women who were successful in connecting with study participants.
A new program using smart speakers could function as a birth control and other medication reminder, improving adherence, according to the authors of a recent study.
Researchers are studying a novel contraceptive delivery system, which uses a vaginal film to produce antibodies to sperm. The same film also could be developed to protect against HIV infection and herpes.
Patients with three-vessel or left main coronary artery disease randomized to coronary bypass surgery vs. percutaneous therapy on optimal medical therapy at five years with three or four of the recommended drugs recorded a lower 10-year all-cause mortality rate vs. those on ≤ 2 drugs.
Access to contraceptives for reproductive-age minors varies across the United States but should be accessible to all, according to the authors of a recent paper. State laws often prevent minors from consenting to contraception by themselves or only allow access without parental permission if the minor is married.
New research shows more supportive counseling in reproductive health is needed for adolescents, especially after sexual initiation, and in support of adherence or tolerance of side effects. Access to different types of birth control has increased in the past decade, but not as much progress has been made in supporting decision-making or counseling with respect to neurodevelopmental functioning.
A tailored, progressive physical rehabilitation program started in the hospital and continued for three months in older, relatively frail acute heart failure admissions resulted in significantly improved physical function vs. usual care but did not reduce six-month readmission rates.
Social and behavioral change are important factors to consider and incorporate into family planning, even before a woman enters a provider’s office. Some social and behavioral change tactics include shared decision-making, ideational models, multifaceted community campaigns, and value clarification exercises.
In this trial of cerebral protection in transcatheter aortic valve replacement, the TriGUARD device was safe vs. historical controls, but failed to meet its primary efficacy endpoint.
An analysis demonstrated an inverse association of coffee consumption and cardiac arrhythmias, which was not altered by genetic variations in caffeine metabolism, age, or sex.