The Safety and Efficacy of Common Herbal and Dietary Supplements in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Part 3
While part 1 of this literature review series discussed Aloe vera and alpha-lipoic acid, part 2 of this series presented information on chromium, cinnamon, fenugreek, garlic, and Gymnema sylvestre. This last part provides study findings relating to ginseng, magnesium, nopal, and psyllium.
Researchers Find Lower Amyloid Levels in Patients on Blood Sugar Control Drug
An investigation reveals an interesting trait among those taking a common diabetes management solution. -
Recognizing Personality Disorders in Patients Presenting to the Primary Care Provider
Often not well understood by the medical community and surrounded in stigma, patients with personality disorders frequently are labeled difficult. Understanding that the behaviors responsible for this label may be the result of a personality disorder allows the provider to adopt a more nuanced approach to treatment.
Medical Groups Back Youth Right to Consent
National organizations filed amicus briefs in two federal cases centered on a law enacted in Washington, DC. -
Dexmedetomidine and Temperature Elevation: Is the Link Important?
In this post hoc analysis of the SPICE III trial, a greater percentage of patients receiving dexmedetomidine had temperatures greater than or equal to 38.3ºC and 39.0ºC compared to usual care. Although there was a significant dose response relationship between dexmedetomidine received and increase in temperature, there was no difference between groups in terms of paracetamol, antimicrobial, neuromuscular blocker, neuroleptic drug use, blood cultures performed, or initiation of renal replacement therapy. -
Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: What Is the Best Strategy?
Using newer methodology in network meta-analysis to compare various protective mechanical ventilation strategies, the authors concluded that a low tidal volume strategy combined with prone ventilation was associated with the greatest risk reduction in mortality for moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. -
Clinical Application of Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury in the ICU
Biomarkers have become an important tool for the early recognition and prognostication of acute kidney injury. In the last few years, several biomarkers have emerged that have shown promising results in large-scale clinical studies. -
Interdisciplinary Teams Collaborate on Disaster Research
Social scientists provide invaluable data for disaster and hazard research as they study human predictability, risk, and the consequences of such events. However, social scientists are not the only ones researching natural or man-made disasters. Disaster research also can include teams of engineers, urban planners, risk analysts, and public health administrators. -
Observational Study Highlights Differences in IRB Start-Up Times
There appears to be a significant difference in start-up times for large cardiovascular trials in North America, highlighting changes needed for trials to become more efficient and feasible. -
Hybrid ED/ICU Setting Cuts Critical Care Admission Rates
For patients and families, a combination ED-ICU means avoiding costly ICU admissions that do not align with care goals. For health systems, it means alleviating ICU capacity strain.