Gastrointestinal Bleeding on Anticoagulants: Predicting Colorectal Cancer in Afib Patients
A large Danish registry study showed that in atrial fibrillation patients on oral anticoagulants and who experience a lower gastrointestinal bleed (LGIB), the incidence of a subsequent diagnosis of colorectal cancer is significantly higher than in those without a LGIB.
Yoga for the Mind, Body, and Autonomic Nervous System
Randomization to yoga in addition to standard care to treat vasovagal syncope led to better outcomes than standard care alone, with reductions in syncopal and presyncopal events and improvement in quality of life scores at one year.
Extra Coronary Vascular Involvement in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
When viewing cardiac MRI and peripheral angiography of patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection, investigators observed peripheral arterial abnormalities, including fibromuscular dysplasia, in about one-quarter.
Searching for the Best Echo Parameter to Predict Aortic Stenosis Outcomes
In a study of two large echocardiographic databases, the authors observed maximum aortic velocity exhibits a strong linear relationship, with the risk of mortality starting at velocities of 100 cm/s, whereas calculated aortic valve area was not related to mortality until the valve area was <1.5 cm2.
Interatrial Shunt Device for Heart Failure Disappoints
Placement of an interatrial shunt device in patients with heart failure with preserved or mildly reduced ejection fraction did not lower the rate of heart failure events or improve health status.
Long-Term Care Facilities Cut Superfluous Antibiotic Use
Locations that adhered to federal safety program reported more success in this area.
Recommendations Target Making Improvements in U.S. Organ Transplant System
The authors aimed for equity, transparency, and efficiency.
Physician Turnover Costs Millions in Excess Healthcare Spending
Each time a physician leaves his or her practice, that can lead to more than $86,000 in extra costs during the following year.
Psilocybin Produces Long-Term Antidepressive Benefits
Some patients sustained positive effects up to one year after treatment.
Better Cardiorespiratory Fitness Connected to Lower Risk for Developing Alzheimer’s
Yet another reason to stay physically active emerges.