Clinical Publication
FDA Modifies Authorizations for COVID-19 Therapeutics
In the face of the omicron onslaught, certain once-reliable monoclonal antibodies are not as effective.
Sotrovimab Injection
In vitro neutralization data, artificial intelligence modeling, and anecdotal reports suggest sotrovimab is effective against the omicron variant while the efficacy of other monoclonal antibodies appears to wane.
Using Honey to Treat Coughs
In a meta-analysis, researchers found honey alleviates cough for patients with upper respiratory infections.
Diet and the Risk of Dementia
This prospective cohort study demonstrated an association between a high inflammatory potential diet and increased risk for incident dementia.
In Addition to Vaccination, Can More Be Done to Prevent Severe COVID-19?
Using data for more than 1.2 million Americans who completed primary vaccination against COVID-19, severe disease outcomes were rare; however, vaccinated persons aged ≥ 65 years with immunosuppression or other underlying conditions were found to be at higher risk.
Healthy Weight Week 2022: A Time to Shape Up
Observed during the third week of January every year since 1994, Healthy Weight Week is a time for Americans to focus on creating proper nutritional habits that can produce long-term benefits.
Researchers Observe Connection Between E-Cigarette Use and Erectile Dysfunction
More bad news for this “safe” alternative to traditional nicotine delivery systems.
Survey Indicates Americans Favor Including Children in Clinical Trial Research
But as risk rises, respondents were less supportive of the notion.
Gestational Diabetes Risk May Be Higher Earlier in Pregnancy for Women with Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Screening and treatment might need to begin much earlier for these patients.
Significance of Flail Mitral Leaflet and Wall-Impinging Regurgitant Flow
Using cardiac MRI as a gold standard, the presence of a flail mitral leaflet or a wall-impinging mitral regurgitant jet on transthoracic echocardiography were associated with severe mitral regurgitation, but not diagnostic of it.