Fracture Risk Stratification in Diabetics; Amantadine for Dysphagia in the Elderly; Is Homocysteine a Culprit in Aging Skin?; Hepatitis C Treatment by Primary Care Clinicians; COPD Exacerbations: The EXACT Tool; Are Diabetes Prevention Treatments Truly Disease Modifying?
COPD in Never Smokers; Early Prostate Cancer: Prostatectomy vs Watchful Waiting; Dietary Vitamin D and Incident Diabetes; Functional Cobalamin Deficiency in Diabetes; Should Leukotriene Antagonists Have Higher Priority for Asthma Control?; Selenium Impacts Orbitopathy in Graves Disease;
Rethinking Postmenopausal HRT; The Pistachio Diet for Erectile Dysfunction; Vitamin D and Hypertension; Bromocriptine for Type 2 Diabetes; Amitriptyline vs Duloxetine for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain; Testosterone Replacement in Diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome
Long-Term CV Effects of Intensive Glucose Lowering: The ACCORD Study; Cysteine as a Biomarker for Sleep Apnea; Steroid or Steroid Plus Long-Acting Beta Agonist for Mild Persistent Asthma; Bisphosphonates and Femoral Fractures; Can Antihypertensive Treatment Benefit Persons Without Hypertension?; More Salt, Fewer Deaths in Diabetes: Who Would Have Thunk It?
Do Topical Steroids Lead to Glaucoma or Cataract?; Can Exenatide Prevent Glucocorticoid-Induced Hyperglycemia?; COPD: Beyond Pulmocentricity; Aspirin and Risk of Death from Cancer; Reducing Incontinence After Prostatectomy; Real-life Efficacy of Herpes Zoster Vaccine
Spironolactone may save the day with resistant hypertension, Fish oils: Where's the beef?, Gait speed and survival in older adults, Rifaximin for IBS without constipation, Pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis for men who have sex with men, Treating venous thromboembolism with rivaroxaban,
Immunochemical FOBT and low-dose aspirin; Aerobic vs resistance exercise for type 2 diabetes; Atrial fibrillation risk: Choose your parents wisely; The effects of obesity upon activity of short-acting insulin analogs; Capitalizing on the second-meal effect in type 2 diabetes; Seeking the best diet for weight-loss maintenance
Erectile Dysfunction and Subsequent Cardiovascular Disease; Oseltamivir for Influenza A Infection; Dietary Intake of Antioxidants and AMD; High-Dose Acyclovir in Pityriasis Rosea; High-Dose Acyclovir in Pityriasis Rosea; Rimonabant and Weight and Risk Factors in Obese Patients; Watchful Waiting vs Repair of Inguinal Hernia in Minimally Symptomatic Men;
Penile Rehabilitation Post-Prostatectomy; Sunburn in the United States; What is the Best Diagnostic Test for Onychomycosis?; A Novel Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation: Constraint Therapy; Is Carbohydrate Really a 'Bad-Guy'?; Can D-dimer Establish Best Duration of Anticoagulation?;
Ethnic and Racial Differences in the Smoking-Related Risk of Lung Cancer; Neuropathy Among the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Cohort; Saw Palmetto for BPH; Quality of Reporting of Noninferiority and Equivalence Randomized Trials; Thyroid Status, Cardiovascular Risk, and Mortality; Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, and the Two in Combination for Osteoarthritis;