Empire Blue Cross tries to avoid common pitfalls in plans to convert to a for-profit enterprise
Several states phasing out primary care case management for Medicaid, but it still thrives in more rural areas
Six experts offer assessments
Access to Medicaid or other insurance plays key role in keeping people off welfare, experts say
Washington insurance commissioner puts industry on notice that carriers much comply with alternative providers law
Each month, this page features selected short items about state
health-care policy digested from newspapers around the country.
Twenty months later, HCFA and New York still negotiating terms of Medicaid waiver
aiver in hand, Maryland joins small group of states enrolling disabled in managed care
Gov. vetoes pharmacy carve-out for NY Medicaid managed care
Steady growth in uninsured children spurs states to expand subsidized programs
Budget bill gives states what they wanted on Medicaid, but they lose out on DSH