Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Get Ready: The Recovery Auditors Are Coming Your Way
CMS is expected to restart the Recovery Auditor program in the first quarter of 2017 if none of the organizations who lost the bid have filed a protest with the Government Accountability Office.
Transitional Stroke Clinic Lowers 30-Day Readmissions
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center’s transitional stroke clinic, developed to provide standardized care for stroke patients discharged to home, resulted in a 48% lower risk of 30-day readmissions among patients who made just one visit to the clinic.
Continue Communication After Patients Leave the Hospital
Hospitals that are doing the best in avoiding major penalties for readmissions are providing post-discharge visits to reinforce teaching, review medication, and make sure patients have a follow-up appointment and keep the appointment.
Readmission Reduction Starts in the ED
Readmission reduction efforts should start in the ED, when patients first come into the hospital and when they make a return visit.
Cross-continuum Collaboration is Essential in Today’s World
If hospitals are to reduce readmissions, it’s essential for them to partner with organizations in the community that provide post-acute care.
Readmissions Are Down, Penalties Are Up — What Do You Do Now?
The Medicare readmission reduction program has been in place for five years but, despite decreasing readmissions, hospitals are still receiving penalties — $528 million in fiscal 2017 alone.
Suggested Questions Case Managers Can Ask Older, Very Ill Patients
Healthcare providers, including case managers, can bring up end-of-life issues with their most frail and ill patients by approaching it in a Q&A format.
How SPIKES Method Works, in a Nutshell
The SPIKES method can work for approaching end-of-life discussions with patients whose frailty and multiple chronic illnesses suggest it’s time to discuss palliative care or even referral to hospice care.
Approaching End of Life Holistically and Peacefully
Patients with multiple chronic illnesses often are frail and could benefit from case management that includes addressing end-of-life care.
Know Older, Medically Complex Patients’ Wishes
Healthcare for the older, chronically ill population poses numerous challenges, but it also suggests an opportunity for case managers to address advance directive and end-of-life questions and needs.