Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
HINNs Inform Patients When Services Are Not Covered by Insurance
The difficulty with the Hospital-Issued Notices of Noncoverage is deciding which to use and when to deliver it.
HINN, IM, and MOON: Alphabet Soup of Forms Can Be Confusing
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requires hospitals to give patients an array of documents to explain their rights, their status, and any financial obligations they may incur — and it’s usually up to case managers to see that the hospital complies.
ANA Prepares for Return of Ebola – or Anything Else
As a result of the Ebola outbreak, the American Nurses Association has entered into training and resource collaborations with both the CDC and the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.
Care Managers Can Improve Communication With Physicians
Patients’ chronic conditions increasingly can be managed at home, but it requires highly effective communication between providers — and this is where case managers can help.
Under MACRA, Keep Two Goals in Mind: Quality and Managing Costs
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act likely will enhance the value of care coordination services, focusing on decreasing readmissions.
Remote Monitoring Can Enhance Case Management and Reduce Costs
A remote monitoring program can save thousands of dollars per patient by giving case managers and providers real-time data and trends of vital signs and other health information.
CMS Delays Start of Cardiac Bundled Payment Initiative
CMS has delayed the effective date of two bundled payments initiatives from July 1 to Oct. 1.
Observation Unit Cuts Length of Stay, Lowers Costs
Patients who were transferred to the Outpatient Observation Unit at Rockford (IL) Memorial Hospital experienced lower lengths of stay and lower costs than patients who were candidates for observation services but were treated on an inpatient unit.
Why the Two-Midnight Rule Is ‘Clear as Mud’
There are patients whose condition and circumstances put them in the shadowy area between meeting criteria for an inpatient stay and being an outpatient with observation services.
OIG: Hospitals Are Still Getting Patient Status Wrong
A report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, released in December 2016, concluded that hospitals are billing for short inpatient stays that are inappropriate under the Two-Midnight Rule and for long outpatient stays.