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Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)



  • Ambulatory Care Quarterly

    One of the ways busy EDs are attempting to manage long wait times is by enabling patients who don't need immediate care to make an appointment to be seen in the ED one or two hours in advance.
  • Readmission project aims to smooth transitions

    As part of its efforts to reduce readmissions, WellStar Health System, based in suburban Atlanta, is meeting with post-acute providers to collaborate on ways to make transitions between levels of care smoother. It is piloting a program in which a transition coach works with heart failure patients in the hospital and follows them for four weeks following discharge.
  • It's a record: 12,850 flu shots in 8 hours

    Each fall, hospitals seek to vaccinate as many health care workers as possible against influenza. But what if you tried to vaccinate as many as possible in one day?
  • Young onset dementia: A guide for employers

    This advice for employers provides suggestions for handling common problems faced by employees with early dementia. It was excerpted from a guide created by the Alzheimers & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin.
  • Striving for 90%: HHS seeks a rate hike

    A working group of the National Vaccine Advisory Group, which advises the Assistant Secretary for Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), developed the following recommendations to improve influenza vaccination of health care workers. They were all recently approved by the full committee and are now under consideration for adoption by the HHS.
  • First-in-nation rule targets hazardous drugs

    Washington became the first state to issue a rule to protect health care workers who handle hazardous drugs a move that proponents hope will prompt other states to take similar action.
  • Joint Commission keys to fight fatigue

    In a recent Sentinel Event Alert, the Joint Commission accrediting organization offered suggestions for health care employers to "mitigate the risks of fatigue that result from extended work hours and, therefore, protect patients from preventable adverse outcomes."
  • WA limiting exposure to hazardous drugs

    A new Washington state rule requires employers to minimize or eliminate exposure to hazardous drugs. The hazardous drugs control program must include:
  • Is it a mandate — or just a requirement?

    A federal advisory panel gave a boost to policies that require health care workers to receive the flu vaccine but stopped short of endorsing the strongest mandates. If health care employers can't achieve an influenza vaccination goal of 90% "in an efficient and timely manner," then they should "strongly consider an employer requirement," a subgroup of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) said.
  • Dementia rises in aging workforce

    The housekeeper had always done a thorough job cleaning patient rooms, but lately her work was haphazard. When a supervisor pointed out things she'd missed, she said, "Oh, I must have forgotten." Forgotten? How could you forget how to do a job you'd done every day for 30 years?