Health care workers at public hospitals are at much greater risk of injury than workers at private hospitals, according to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics.
When emergency responders transport an incoming patient who is later found to have a potentially life-threatening disease, they need to receive prompt notification from the hospital about the exposure risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has proposed a list of the diseases for which hospitals must notify the emergency medical services.
The model for safe patient handling is now a national norm.
Healthy People 2020, the nation's blueprint for a healthier populace, includes several occupational health goals but with very low expectations for progress.
It's no secret that the responsibilities and skill level of most "front end" staff have expanded greatly, while financial compensation has typically not kept pace. As a result, "patient access staff will demand higher salaries," predicts Antionette Anderson, CHAA, CHAM, director of patient access and centralized scheduling at Skaggs Regional Medical Center in Branson, MO.
Two employees excelled both at cash collection and customer service at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI, says Cheryl L. Webster, director of patient registration services. Webster asked them to train her front-end staff.
a.l scheduling and registration functions now report to the access management team at Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare in Memphis, TN, as a result of consolidation of front door functions, says Jessica Murphy, CPAM, corporate director for patient access services. This has reduced fragmented reporting structures, she says.
If a registrar makes a mistake that results in a needless claims denial, and the following day notices an error that prevents a denial, which is more likely to get your attention?
The utilization of services by self-pay patients has increased by 6.9% over the last fiscal year at St. Joseph's Hospital and Candler Hospital, both located in Savannah, GA, says Susan M. Younggreen, director of patient financial services.
Since Pam Kast's office is part of the main admitting area in her hospital, she sees and hears her staff in action on a daily basis.