Honey, Can You Stop Coughing?
Since there is little to offer those with upper respiratory infections, honey represents a low-risk, inexpensive, and easily accessible alternative that seems reasonable to suggest to patients.
Recommendation: Less Major Surgery for Heart Valve Disease
Advancing technology creates opportunities for safer solutions, according to guideline authors.
Fewer Diabetes Cases, Lower Blood Pressure Among Mediterranean Diet Adherents
Researchers continue discovering benefits of this healthy nutrition program.
A Prescription for Volunteering
This large, observational study of U.S. adults aged older than 50 years found that volunteering ≥ 100 hours yearly is associated with a reduced risk of mortality and several favorable psychosocial outcomes when compared with peers reporting 0 volunteer hours yearly.
A Proinflammatory Diet’s Association with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
An analysis of data from three large prospective cohort studies revealed a proinflammatory diet as a risk factor for incident Crohn’s disease, but not for ulcerative colitis.
Creating Healing Environments: Band-Aids and Beyond
Because normative messages affecting diversity and inclusion are conveyed by the application of a bandage and its color, healers are called to offer and employ newly available adhesive bandages in a multitude of skin tones.
Casirivimab + Imdevimab Injection
Casirivimab/imdevimab should be used to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults and patients ≥ 12 years of age weighing at least 40 kg who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.
Multiple Sclerosis and Vascular Disease
Researchers evaluated the presence and pathological significance of extracranial systemic and cerebral small vessel disease in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) compared to healthy controls. MS patients exhibited less systemic vascular disease and more small vessel disease in the brain vs. controls.
Antibiotics for Traveler’s Diarrhea
International travel carries a risk of colonization by antimicrobial-resistant intestinal flora. Using quinolone, but not a macrolide, during travel further increases the risk of acquisition of extended-spectrum, beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae.
The Effect of Age on Cholesterol-Lowering Therapy
Investigators analyzed data on the effect of age on cardiovascular (CV) outcomes and LDL cholesterol-lowering by alirocumab vs. placebo in recent acute coronary syndrome patients. They found alirocumab can lower the rate of CV events regardless of age — and produce more absolute benefit with age.