Weight Loss to Make You Feel Better, Live Longer, and Lower Your Risk of Atrial Fibrillation
Significant and sustained weight loss through bariatric surgery reduced the risk of developing new-onset atrial fibrillation in a Swedish cohort of obese individuals.
Hyperoxia in ICU Patients May Cause Harm
Patients randomized to maintain oxygen saturation between 94-98% experienced better outcomes than patients allowed to receive partial pressure of oxygen > 150 mmHg.
Surviving Critical Illness: Who Returns to Work?
Three months after surviving critical illness due to respiratory failure or shock, more than 60% of survivors experienced a decrease in employment. At 12 months, almost half of survivors still experienced a decrease in employment.
ECMO as a Rescue Strategy for Severe ARDS and Beyond
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation has been used as a rescue therapy for patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome who fail to respond to traditional low tidal volume lung protective ventilation with optimal positive end-expiratory pressure interventions and other strategies.
Clinical Briefs
In this section: treating genital herpes, atrial fibrillation remains a deadly problem, and extra precautions for diabetes patients.
Plecanatide Tablets (Trulance)
Plecanatide is indicated for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation.
Does Long-term, Low-intensity Smoking Result in Similar Mortality Risks as Heavier Smokers?
Individuals who smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes per day over their lifetime have a higher risk of mortality than those who have never smoked cigarettes.
How Is Iron Deficiency Connected to Hearing Loss?
A large-scale retrospective cohort study found that iron deficiency anemia was associated positively with sensorineural hearing loss and combined hearing loss.
Investigating the Relationship Between Achieved Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Outcomes
Lowering blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension reduces the risk of cardiovascular events and death, but the optimum target BP remains unresolved.
Should This Patient Be Cardioverted?
The lead II rhythm strip shown in the figure in this article was obtained from an older adult patient on telemetry. Should the patient be immediately cardioverted?