Benefit of Bariatric Surgery for Obesity and Diabetes Maintained After Five Years
It seems that for an individual patient, clinicians now can discuss the pros and cons of bariatric surgery compared with aggressive medical management with a fair bit of certainty about expected outcomes.
Are There Definitive Clues?
How certain are you that the run of wide complex tachycardia that begins with beat #4 is ventricular tachycardia?
Clinical Briefs
In this section: targeting the culprit of obesity; a skeptical look at urinalysis; and comparing treatments for peripheral artery disease.
Etelcalcetide Injection (Parsabiv)
Etelcalcetide is indicated for secondary hyperparathyroidism in adult patients presenting with chronic kidney disease and who are on hemodialysis.
Discharge Antibiotic Prescriptions Often Are Inappropriate With Regard to Choice, Dose, Duration
Seventy percent of discharge antibiotic prescriptions are inappropriate.
American Heart Association Recognizes Cardiorespiratory Fitness Should Be Incorporated Into Risk Calculators
Recognizing the many years of data linking cardiorespiratory fitness to cardiovascular and overall mortality, the American Heart Association says cardiorespiratory fitness should be measured or estimated routinely in patients and added to cardiovascular risk calculators.
Role of Statins in Venous Thromboembolism Prevention
A large-scale systematic review and meta-analysis found a 15-25% reduction in relative risk for venous thromboembolism in those who used statins vs. those who did not.
Mind-Body Intervention for Neurofibromatosis
Participants in a randomized, controlled trial of a videoconferencing mindfulness intervention for neurofibromatosis experienced improvement in measures of physical and psychological quality of life when compared to placebo.
Free Probiotics for Winter Infections and Reducing Antibiotic Prescriptions
A randomized, controlled trial of recommendations that asthmatics (5 years of age and older) take free daily probiotics over a winter season failed to show any benefits in terms of antibiotic usage or overall respiratory health.
Cranberries for Urinary Tract Infection
Cranberry capsules containing 72 mg of proanthocyanidins administered by mouth daily to women residing in nursing homes for one year did not have a significant effect on bacteriuria plus pyuria.