What Is the Ideal Target for Blood Pressure Control?
Researchers organized a study to address quality-of-life outcomes based on recent blood pressure recommendations.
Do Antibiotics Reduce Hormonal Contraceptive Effectiveness?
Researchers conducted a systematic review of studies that evaluated the effect of concomitant non-rifamycin antibiotic use on hormonal contraceptive effectiveness. Although data are limited, there was no evidence to support the existence of drug interactions.
Screening for Prostate Cancer May Offer Survival Benefits
Using a mathematical model to account for differences in implementation and baseline screening, researchers reassessed mortality data from two major studies and discovered that screening led to a 25-30% reduction of prostate cancer death in both.
Tribulus: An RCT Supporting Its Use for Erectile Dysfunction
This double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in 180 men showed that a standardized extract of Tribulus terrestris improved erectile function after 12 weeks of treatment.
Acupuncture Decreases the Perception of Stress in a College Population
A verum acupuncture group led to a greater reduction in the perception of stress when compared to a sham acupuncture group.
Oily Fish Is Associated With Better Sleep
A study in Ecuador showed a strong positive correlation between dietary oily fish intake and sleep quality.
Caring for Providers: Mindfulness for Healthcare Practitioners
A review of studies regarding brief mindfulness interventions for healthcare providers found an association with improved measures of provider well-being and no evidence of behavioral changes.
Acupuncture and Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Migraine
Individuals suffering with migraine often use complementary and integrative therapies to treat migraine symptoms. Acupuncture has moderate evidence in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks, and neuromodulation is a promising treatment on the horizon for those suffering with migraine.
Anomalous Coronary Arteries Discovered in Middle-aged Individuals
Anomalous origin of coronary arteries from the opposite sinus are encountered more frequently in middle-aged subjects evaluated for coronary artery disease using CT angiography.
Natriuretic Peptide-guided Therapy Does Not Improve Systolic Heart Failure Outcomes
Among high-risk patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction, a strategy of titrating medical therapy to a target natriuretic peptide level was not associated with improvements in hospitalization or survival.