Blockade of CGRP for Migraine Prevention: Promising, but Not a Cure
Blockade of calcitonin gene-related peptide in patients with chronic or episodic migraine results in the prevention of about two headache days a month compared to placebo.
Obesity Is a Hormonal Illness
Once obese, a patient’s metabolism adapts with insulin resistance to maintain body fat. High insulin levels promote fat storage and block fat burning.
NOTICE: February 2018 was the final issue of this publication.
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A Novel Approach to Using Mind-Body Therapies for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a multifactorial public health issue and the treatment plan needs to address all biopsychosocial aspects of this disease.
Aerobic Exercise and Cognitive Impairment
Progressive aerobic exercise training appears to be a low-risk and effective intervention for improving cognitive function in community-dwelling adults with mild subcortical ischemic vascular cognitive impairment.
Are All Plant-based Diets Created Equally (in Terms of Health Benefits)?
This large-scale, observational, prospective study investigating types of plant-based diets found an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in adherents to plant-based diets containing foods such as fruit juices, refined grains, sweetened beverages, and desserts.
Kratom Alert: FDA Concerns
Kratom, a plant that is banned in some countries, is available in the United States and has some safety concerns, mostly related to its opioid-like effects.
Rehabilitation From Neurological Insults: The Role of Music-based Interventions
This large-scale review study brings promising direction to the field; understanding the effect of specific musical interventions on specified outcomes could and should lead to a more targeted and efficacious approach. -
Thrombectomy Is Effective Up to 24 Hours After Stroke – the DAWN Trial
Among a group of ischemic stroke patients last known to be well six to 24 hours earlier and who had a mismatch between clinical deficit and infarct size, outcomes regarding disability and functional independence were better if treated with mechanical thrombectomy, rather than standard care alone.
Implementing Noninvasive Ventilation: If You Build It, They Will Come
This study affirmed that giving allied health professions autonomy to execute care within well-structured, supervised protocols/guidelines is an efficient solution to many of the current obstacles in providing patient care in an increasingly fractured environment.