Patients are desperately looking for weight loss plans that do not involve consuming fewer calories or burning more of them. Perhaps they should be told about the relationship between sleep, weight, and
In late-onset VAP, survival improved and costs decreased using initial coverage with 3 antibiotics. Mini-BAL did not improve survival but decreased costs and antibiotic usage.
Adult patients presenting with acute asthma without significant respiratory acidosis who were given 100% oxygen to breathe had slight increases in arterial PCO2 and slight decreases in arterial pH and peak expiratory flow, as compared with patients who received only 28% oxygen.
This single-center study reveals that, compared to continuous sedation, daily sedative interruption is not associated with adverse psychological effects after 6-21 months.
A consensus group making recommendations on the use of restraining therapies in the ICU emphasizes the inadequacy of the evidence base in this area and calls for studies to generate better data.
How would you interpret the 12-lead ECG shown in the Figure? What is distinctly unusual about this tracing? What would you ask the technician who recorded this tracing?
The FDA has approved the first once-a-week combined hormone therapy for postmenopausal symptoms.
This report by Song and colleagues used a validated food frequency questionnaire in 39,345 women from the Womens Health Study.
This report from multiple cooperating centers describes findings in 403 patients who presented with dysphagia and 140 patients with noncardiac chest pain and 44 patients with both symptoms on presentation.