In this second part of our two-part series, the SCMARTI (Selection of Cephalosporins, Macrolides, and AFQs for Respiratory Tract Infections) Consensus Panel presents recommendations for antimicrobial therapy in acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, along with a comprehensive treatment table to guide therapy in the emergency department and outpatient setting.
O'Mathuna DP. Melatonin for jet lag. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(4):44-47.
Kiefer D. Echinacea: An update on the popular cold cure. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(4):41-44.
Data supporting associations of subclinical thyroid disease with symptoms or adverse clinical outcomes or benefits of treatment are few.
Graded activity can return a patient to full employment faster than usual care.
Current rofecoxib use was associated with a higher risk of acute myocardial infarction or admission for heart failure compared to celecoxib.
Among patients with early, localized prostate cancer, the mortality rate accelerated after 15 years.
A randomized, controlled trial of obese men, ages 35 to 55, with erectile dysfunction showed that weight loss and increased physical activity allowed 31% to regain sexual function and most reduced their cardiac risk factors.