Greenfield RH. Stress and multiple sclerosis. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(5):59-60.
Stokes MJ. Soy and menopausal symptoms. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(5):49-55.
Part I of this two-part series on stroke covered the differential diagnosis, risk factors, and prevention of stroke. This second and final part in the series will focus on the physical examination, laboratory investigations, imaging, and treatment of stroke.
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is an illness that frequently presents with nonspecific symptoms, that affects people of all ages and stages of life, and that is difficult to diagnose with available tests. The first article in this two-part series will cover the epidemiology of PE, the factors that increase a patients risk for the disease, and the pathophysiology and clinical features of PE. In addition, complicated issues regarding the diagnosis of PE and the controversies involved will be addressed.
The first head-to-head comparison study of an ACE inhibitor and an angiotensin receptor blocker, to assess renoprotective effects in type 2 diabetes, has shown that the drugs are comparable in their benefit.
Arguably the most important new trial to be reported in New Orleans was the African-American Heart Failure Trial; the use of a combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine in African-Americans with congestive heart failure.