Prucalopride Tablets (Motegrity)
Prucalopride is indicated for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults.
Should Acute Appendicitis Be Managed Without Appendectomy?
A retrospective cohort study that used national insurance claims data revealed patients with acute appendicitis who were treated nonsurgically experienced higher rates of complications and higher overall care costs.
Alcohol Use: No Safe Level
A systematic analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 on alcohol-linked disorders and patterns of alcohol use over 25 years worldwide found there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
Helicobacter pylori: A Mini Primer
Although the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori seems to be decreasing in the United States, at least in higher socioeconomic strata, it remains a problem for lower-income groups, travelers to developing countries, and the rest of the world.
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Increases Energy Expenditure
Consistent with the role of insulin and carbohydrate intake, a low-carbohydrate diet increases energy expenditure and facilitates the maintenance of weight loss.
Prostatectomy Beats Watchful Waiting in Men Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer in the 1990s
In men with prostate cancer diagnosed in the 1990s (primarily by digital rectal exam), researchers found that radical prostatectomy offered an average survival benefit of 2.9 years over watchful waiting.
Are Frequent PVCs Causing Left Ventricular Dysfunction?
Premature ventricular contraction-induced cardiomyopathy was phenotypically different than a tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy in a swine model. Paced ventricular bigeminy led to left ventricular dyssynchrony, a decline in left ventricular ejection fraction associated with biventricular myocardial fibrosis, and a widening of the sinus QRS.
In-Ambulance Troponin Measurements
A study of triaging suspected non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome patients by employing in-ambulance troponin measurements augmented the predictive value for 45-day major adverse cardiac events. This could help identify very high-risk patients who would benefit from urgent coronary angiography.
The Natural History of Tricuspid Regurgitation
A retrospective analysis of patients with moderate or severe tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR) and who underwent an earlier echo with no or mild TR showed that progression of TR was independently associated with age, female sex, new device leads, and right ventricular or tricuspid annular dilation.
TAVR Beneficial for Patients With Severely Reduced Ejection Fraction
In patients with low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis and severe left ventricular dysfunction, transcatheter aortic valve replacement was associated with significant improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction and similar mortality compared to patients with milder left ventricular dysfunction.