McKay DL. Diet and Breast Cancer Recurrence. 2008;11:25-28.
O’Mathuna DP. Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Body Fat Reduction. 2008;11:28-31.
Greenfield RH. The Needle Points Down: Acupuncture and BP. 2008;11:32-34.
Greenfield RH. Mangia! Mediterranean Diet and Mortality. 2008;11:34-35.
Greenfield RH. Walk the Walk: Pedometers and Health. 2008;11:35-36.
Left main coronary artery stenosis is one of the primary indications for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Recently, a number of non-randomized studies and registries have suggested that stenting, using current techniques and devices, may be a feasible alternative to CABG.
Patients with a positive CT scan for coronary calcium often have a stress test. Askew and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic asked whether such patients should undergo repeat stress testing if the first one is negative or low risk?
The differentiation of constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy can be difficult, but the treatment implications are great.
Anticoagulation with vitamin k antagonists is the standard recommendation for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and risk factors for stroke. The benefits of warfarin in such patients have been well shown in many clinical trials. Therapy with warfarin, however, is often complicated by the dietary and drug interactions, so that even with frequent monitoring, precise control of the anticoagulation level is difficult.