Mortality and Vitamin D Supplementation: A Meta-Analysis
In this systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, researchers determined that when compared with placebo or no treatment, vitamin D supplementation alone was not associated with an increase in overall all-cause mortality, though there were some nuances based on vitamin D form and type of mortality.
Iron Absorption in Iron Deficiency Anemia With Alternate-Day Dosing
In a cohort of 19 women with iron deficiency anemia, alternate-day doses of iron led to 40-50% more iron absorption compared to consecutive-day doses. -
Stopping Cannabis Improves Cognitive Function in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
The authors of a recent study evaluated the effect of discontinuing cannabis use in patients with multiple sclerosis. Stopping cannabis led to significant improvements in memory, processing speed, and executive function.
Bright Light Therapy in Depression and Insomnia Associated With Parkinson’s
Bright light therapy (10,000 lux intensity for 30 minutes twice daily) and a low intensity control light showed similar efficacy in treatment of depression associated with Parkinson’s disease; the bright light therapy showed some advantages in improving subjective quality of sleep.
Temperature Trajectories to Find Sepsis Subphenotypes
The authors of this study used development and validation cohorts to retrospectively identify temperature trajectories over the first 72 hours from presentation in the setting of sepsis. Patients presenting with hyperthermia that resolved quickly (within the first 24 hours) had lower mortality compared to those with slow resolution or those presenting with hypothermia.
Vasopressin Use in Septic Shock
Current management of septic shock includes early administration of intravenous fluids, antimicrobial agents, and vasopressor support. While norepinephrine is recommended as the first-line vasopressor for septic shock in the 2016 Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, vasopressin is a second-line vasopressor option that may be added.
A Review of Atrial Fibrillation and Current Therapeutic Strategies: Part 1
This two-part series presents a review of the current evidence on atrial fibrillation. The first part includes its definition, classification, risk factors, comorbidities, evaluation, and acute management of newly diagnosed patients. The second part will focus on long-term management, including risk factor modification, rate and rhythm control measures, stroke risk stratification, and anticoagulation management.
Cardiac Arrest in Takotsubo Syndrome
Investigators sought to determine whether secondary prevention interventions could reduce the mortality rate of takotsubo patients with cardiac arrest.
Safety of Carvedilol for Cocaine Users
The use of beta-blockers in cocaine users is controversial, and there are few data on their use in cocaine-associated heart failure. This prospective, observational, registry study of cocaine-associated heart failure patients showed that carvedilol is safe and effective in such patients.
Planning Therapy for Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation
A retrospective study of moderate to severe secondary tricuspid valve regurgitation showed that right ventricular systolic dysfunction (but not dilatation alone) is predictive of all-cause mortality.