Beta-Blockers Therapy for the Treatment of Hypertension; Treatments for Acute Migraine; Statin Therapy for ACS Patients; The Correct Dosing for Onychomycosis; FDA Actions
The only consistent intervention which appears to extend lifespan in mammals has been caloric restriction. This has been shown in a number of species, and there are ongoing studies in primates. Patients who voluntarily undergo caloric restriction show improvement in some of the biomarkers which improve in calorically restricted mammals. Other interventions, however, have been largely unsuccessful in extending lifespan.
The availability of sensitive and reproducible measures of autonomic function has improved physicians’ ability to diagnose these disorders.
It would be reasonable to empirically try sildeanfil and related drugs in both men and women with MS having sexual complaints.
This article reports the findings from a neuropathologic study of brain tissue and CSF from autistic patients suggesting an inflammatory-mediated component to this syndrome.
Pregabalin appears to be a safe and effective alternative in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy.
The rate of development of dementia in patients with MCI can be altered by a medical intervention, in this case by administration of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.