The next patient in your exam room is a 23-year-old woman who is experiencing her third episode of symptomatic bacterial vaginosis (BV) in six months. Which of the following strategies would you recommend?
Surgery for a herniated lumbar disc with sciatica does not have a better long-term result than conservative therapy.
Recently, the importance of anticoagulation with warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation and risk factors for stroke has been established in clinical trials and emphasized in recent guidelines.
Up to 20% of patients undergoing coronary angiography have normal arteries or mild luminal irregularities.
The biochemical analysis of pericardial fluid is often done routinely, but there is little data on its value. Thus, these investigators from Israel retrospectively analyzed all pericardiocentesis patients over a 9-year period by chart review and phone calls.
Interviewer asks: Dr. Janiak, how and when did you get started doing medical-legal reviews?
Through the efforts on an interdisciplinary team, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics has been able to shrink the number of patients who remain in the hospital for 30 days or longer from an average of 60 or 70 in-house each day to an average of 20 or fewer.
The results have shown that the Ethicon 6-row stapler had more misfires and the Autosuture Endo-GIA 6-row stapler resulted in more bleeding complications.
The patient's eating habits before surgery play an important role in the choice of the operative technique used.