Reduce the Risk of Autoimmune Disease with Vitamin D, n-3 Fatty Acid Supplements
A randomized, controlled trial that included older adults showed vitamin D3 2,000 units daily or n-3 fatty acids 1,000 mg daily over five years reduced the incidence of autoimmune diseases 25% to 30%.
Fluvoxamine Reduces the Risk for Hospitalization from COVID-19
Researchers found fluvoxamine (100 mg twice a day for 10 days) lowered the risk for hospitalization among high-risk outpatients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Researchers: Emergency Providers Missing Chances to Avert Future Opioid Disasters
Investigators express concern about prescribing rates for medication-assisted treatment after ED visits for opioid overdoses recorded between late 2019 and early 2021.
Positive STI Test Results Not Always Shared with Study Participants
Investigators should develop a plan to return test results to participants, and document their actions in protocols and manuscripts. IRBs should require researchers to include these details in their proposals.
Regulators Sign Off on COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Mix and Match’
Federal agencies expand, clarify guidance on booster shots.
CDC Pledges Massive Investment in Infection Control and Prevention
Outlay to boost current battles against COVID-19 pandemic and prepare the healthcare industry to protect against future threats.
FDA Gives Full Approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
A significant milestone in the ongoing battle against the pandemic.
A Probiotic May Cause Sepsis and Death
Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast that may cause fungemia and other fungal infections.AstraZeneca Reports 79% Efficacy for U.S. COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
But NIH raises questions the about data.
HHS Releases Latest Iteration of Antibiotic Resistance Action Plan
The five-point strategy crafted in previous years remains the same, but the tactics have improved to help execute the goals. The new plan includes details about stronger and more evidence-based activities that have reduced antibiotic resistance that public health officials can lean on to drive progress.