Expansions in public health insurance programs are designed to offer a safety net to vulnerable Americans unable to obtain basic health insurance and regular access to medical care.
One unintended consequence of the nations health care safety net which includes public hospitals, community health centers, local clinics, and some primary care physicians is that it is crowding out, or replacing, other insurance options for unmarried childless adults, according to new research by Anthony Lo Sasso, research associate professor at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University.
Struggling with skyrocketing drug costs, West Virginia lawmakers are poised to go head to head with the powerful pharmaceutical industry, potentially becoming the first state to impose price controls on prescription drugs.
As the June 30, 2004, date for the end to the emergency increase in the federal Medicaid match rate loomed, advocacy groups pushed Congress to extend the higher rate in recognition of the fact states still have significant financial problems and are dependent on the extra federal funds.
In this article, a leading expert in the area of improving health care quality argues that restricting visiting hours in ICUs is neither caring, compassionate, nor necessary.
Clinicians have been criticized for prescribing too much, as well as too little, sedation for critically ill patients, especially patients who require mechanical ventilation. Over-sedation may prolong weaning from ventilatory support, increase ICU and hospital lengths of stay, and predispose to development of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Inadequate sedation predisposes the patient to pain and discomfort and can evoke a stress response that compromises recovery.
Erythromycin and the Risk of Sudden Death; Vaccine Shortage Putting Americans At Risk; FDA Actions.
In this study of anonymously reported adverse occurrences related to intra-hospital transportation of critically ill patients, problems were related to equipment in 39% and to patient/staff management issues in 61%; 31% of the incidents had serious adverse outcomes.