The recent action by the Florida Board of Medicine to restrict liposuction and abdominoplasty procedures in an office setting may call the safety of liposuction into question. However, the latest liposuction study reports a complication rate of only 3% for 331 cases performed in office-based settings included in the study, according to the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Cares Institute for Quality Improvement (IQI) in Wilmette, IL.
Although technological advances are responsible for the movement of many surgical procedures from the inpatient to the outpatient setting, sometimes the switch relies more upon the surgeons technique rather than the actual equipment.
What happens in your emergency department (ED) when a patient shows up complaining that he still has that terrible headache you sent him home with six hours ago? Do staff label him a whiner and send him back out the door with some Tylenol?
If your hospital isnt using case management software that is integrated with the rest of the hospitals information systems, you may be behind the curve, asserts Vicky Mahn-DiNicola, RN, MS, vice president of ACS Healthcare Solutions, a Tucson, AZ-based health care technology firm.
Oral rofecoxib (Vioxx) may have a role in controlling postoperative pain patients undergoing knee surgery.
St Johns Wort and Drug Interactions; Serum Potassium and Stroke Risk
Among Hypertensive Adults; Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection
Practices Among Siblings of Patients with Melanoma, TZDs and HF in
People with Type 2 Diabetes; Exercise Plus Behavioral Management in
Patients with AD; Spironolactone in Resistant HBP
The virtues of a firm mattress are generally espoused by the medical and lay community alike despite the utter lack of scientific evidence to support it. In an attempt to shed light on this poorly understood subject, Kovacs and associates assess the effect of the firmness of a mattress on low back pain.
Thirty-three consecutive patients with l3 or l4 radiculopathy were compared to 19 controls of comparable age to determine the best method for detecting quadriceps weakness in the office setting.