For case managers working in an acute-care environment, advocacy is a fundamental principle of the services they provide. Advocacy may be described simply as wanting, getting, and doing what is in the best interest of the patient and the family. In practice, however, case managers find themselves acting as advocates not only for the patient and family but for the hospital and provider of care as well.
If you are a case manager who also is performing disease management activities, keep in mind that the two activities require distinctly different skill sets, suggests Rufus Howe, RN-C, MN.
In the first 12 months of a comprehensive disease management program for members with 17 chronic conditions and diseases, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota saved $36 million in claims, with a return-on-investment of $2.90 for every dollar spent.
A Medicaid disease management program represents a huge potential to improve the health of the publicly insured while decreasing overall health care costs, Sandeep Wadhwa, MD, asserts.
ICPs be advised: Surveyors for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations are asking health care workers whether they understand the new hand hygiene guidelines and are looking for signs of compliance.
The Consumers Union, publishers of Consumer Reports, is urging people to write their government representatives and demand open records on hospital infection rates.
In a battle that is expected to unfold in an increasing number of states, infection control professionals in Pennsylvania are facing a demand for public disclosure of infection rates.
Trauma to the thoracic cavity is responsible for approximately 10-25%
of all trauma-related deaths, with the majority of these deaths
occurring after arrival at the emergency department. The mortality for
isolated chest injury is relatively low (less than 5%); however, with
multiple organ system involvement, the mortality approaches 30%. This
article dissects the critical aspects of thoracic trauma and highlights
acute care management strategies.