An enhanced care management program is the keystone of Bon Secours Health Systems systemwide performance improvement initiatives in connection with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services pay-for-performance demonstration project.
Wilke AJ. Got stones? Get milk. Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(8):62-63.
Keegan L, Keegan GT. Foods High in Antioxidants. Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(8):60.
Keegan L, Keegan GT. Cervical cancer and antioxidants. Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(8):57-61.
Greenfield RH. Antibiotics for cardiovascular disease prevention. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(8):95-96.
Brinker F. Coming clean on supplements designated the 'Dirty Dozen'. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(8):85-95.
Would you like to be able to boast that your organization performed hundreds of surgeries without a single infection or reduced rates of surgical infections dramatically? By making specific process changes, these impressive results can be achieved.
AMA wants all clinical trial results in database
While interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) research increases in the United States, there remain some significant challenges to properly designing these studies, an expert states.