Hospice of Lancaster County in Lancaster, PA, never hired home health aides and homemakers because when the not-for-profit hospice was founded 25 years ago, hospice managers chose to go a step beyond the minimum requirements.
Staffing continues to be a major issue for hospices and other health care organizations that must face periodic shortages in nursing and other disciplines, as well as cope with high turnover rates.
Teaching/learning packets engender culture change
With the media currently focused on vaccine shortages, the emergency physician must be prepared to rationally and scientifically explain diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in children with influenza. The author of this article prepares the ED physician to confidently face the 2004-2005 influenza season.
Infection control professionals had a median salary in the $50,000 to $59,000 range, but many are struggling to get department resources despite an onslaught of regulatory and accreditation requirements, according to the 2004 salary survey by Hospital Infection Control.
Oseltamivir treatment of children with influenza A virus infection was associated with the selection of resistant mutants in 18% of cases.
Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections cause a striking level of complications and deaths in patients with prosthetic devices, researchers reported recently at the annual Inter-science Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) in Washington, DC.