The topic of pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is extensive, and the majority of information is very familiar to the practicing emergency department physician. The author discusses two areas of controversy patient selection for imaging and an update on management strategies for children with TBI.
With nuclear terror, there is every reason to hope but very much to fear. Consider these findings of an analysis of the current situation by a scholar at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.
Though nuclear weapons are one of the few potential bioterrorism agents that have actually been used against human populations, in many ways, the Cold Wars ultimate weapon remains as poorly understood as some emerging, exotic pathogen.
Families traveling with infants and children should be aggressive about malaria prevention using DEET, permethrin, and chemoprophylaxis. Both this review and that of associate editor, Lin Chen, MD, in this issue underscore the importance of bednets and repellents as critical components of malaria prophylaxis
As a result of the recent military conflicts, cutaneous leishmaniasis has emerged as a significant disease among US troops deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait. Physicians should consider the possibility of cutaneous leishmaniasis in persons with chronic skin lesions who have traveled to or been deployed within areas where leishmaniasis is endemic.
Choice Increases CAM Usage by Insured Cancer Patients; Osteoarthritis Initiative Begins Participant Enrollment. Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(4):31-32.
O'Mathuna DP. Do estrogen and progestin increase colon cancer risk? Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(4):29-30.