Reflex tachycardia, during a Valsalva maneuver, is a sign of normal LV filling.
At this time, BNP seems to be a useful initial test that should not be repeated during short hospital stays.
Mitral Doppler E/Ea correlates better with PCWP than BNP and is more specific for predicting PCWP > 15 mm Hg.
The basic conclusion is that we should give the patient just what he or she needs and the devices we implant should be designed to fit the patient.
Its a tool that is a common sight in most EDs, but is often used incorrectly: The Broselow Emergency Tape. The tape is part of a system that assigns children to color zones based on a single length or weight measurement, which enables access to appropriate pre-calculated medication dosing and formulations and pre-determined equipment sizes necessary in the ED.
The Bethesda, MD-based National Foundation of Infectious Diseases recommends that EDs implement an aggressive year-round infection control program. To reduce exposure to flu in your ED, use the following effective strategies.
Its that time of year again: Around this month, you can expect numbers of flu patients to steadily increase. This year, youll need to comply with new flu guidelines from the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which call for free, on-site influenza vaccinations to all ED staff, including night and weekend staff, beginning in October of each year.
Have you recently held down a flailing, seizing patient to prevent injury, doing your best to calm frantic family members while trying to find out what caused the seizure and determining what interventions are needed? These are the multiple challenges of caring for seizure patients as an ED nurse, says Lara Merana-Bailey, RN, MSN, ED educator at Hartford (CT) Hospital.