John George Psychiatric Pavilion in San Leandro, CA, has been fined $54,000 for failing to take adequate precautions to prevent violent assaults against its staff.
It seems that a number of occ-health professionals are interested in going into business themselves so many, in fact, that Carol Santee, RN, COHN-RS, COM, owner/consultant, Tri-County Occupational Health Consultants in Cary, IL, teaches an entire course on the subject.
It has been a long, hard struggle for wellness proponents to prove the ultimate value of health promotion programming in terms of employee health and well-being.
New guidelines for the treatment of bacterial rhinosinusitis were published in the January supplement of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery by the Sinus and Allergy Health Partnership.
When is a patient safe for discharge after procedural sedation? The timing of adverse effect events in 1,367 pediatric procedural sedations.
By switching to electronic nurse charting, triage notes, and orders, the ED at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, saved $60,000 in a single year, according to Rosemary Brindle, RN, MSN, TNCC, director of emergency care services.
ED nurses at Carondelet St Marys Hospital in Tucson, AZ, did the right thing when caring for a woman with cough and chills: They suspected tuberculosis (TB) and put her into isolation.