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  • Benchmarking and safety: Natural fit if you know what to do with data

    Given the steady drumbeat for improving patient safety from diverse corners of the QI world, its only logical for quality professionals to use all the tools at their disposal and that includes benchmarking. However, experts warn, while benchmarking can prove extremely valuable in your efforts to boost patient safety, those efforts can be for naught if you arent careful about your decisions concerning what to benchmark, what your goals are, and how you interpret your data.
  • Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiosis Among US Travelers

    Travelers returning from Africa are at risk for having acquired spotted fever rickettsiosis. The diagnosis can be missed if convalescent sera are obtained too early; therefore, convalescent specimens should be obtained at least 28 days after the onset of illness.
  • ASTMH Symposium on Neurocysticercosis

    Dr. Robert Gilman convened an important symposium on neurocysticercosis at the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. During that symposium, Dr. Theodore Nash from NIAID reported on the increasing evidence indicating that calcific neurocysticercosis is not necessarily clinically inactive, but may be a cause of seizures and focal symptoms associated with episodic perilesional edema.
  • Critical Path Network: Program targets patient, physician satisfaction

    A new preadmission program at the University of California (UC) Davis Health System is building a stronger link between hospital and physicians office and identifying issues much earlier in the process issues that might affect length of stay (LOS).
  • News brief

    On-line university offers controversial course.
  • Protecting children in clinical drug trials

    Federal laws aimed at encouraging drug companies to study how well their products work in children have had the unintended consequence of weakening already vague protections that prevent child research subjects from being exploited, a leading human subjects research advocate claims.
  • HIPAA regulations still confuse and confound

    Just about a year ago, the Privacy Rule, which is a part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, became enforceable. Already, complaints are coming in and investigations are being launched some against mighty organizations such as Kaiser Permanente.
  • An FDA audit is no reason to panic: These 10 steps can help you prepare

    Knowledge is power, and knowing how an audit works can help you sail through, says Erich K. Jensen. Jensen has developed a course designed specifically to highlight what happens during an FDA audit and what can be done to make the process as easy as possible.
  • Full April 2004 Issue in PDF

  • Should dying patients be research subjects?

    An experimental blood oxygenation device has the potential to help thousands of patients with severe emphysema or other lung conditions. The device has been thoroughly tested in laboratory animals, but human trials would involve major invasive procedures for research participants and place them at very high risk of death or serious complications.