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  • Burnout: The Signs of Onset, Methods of Prevention

    Burnout is a systemic problem in healthcare and a test of resilience for the individual worker. In a new book on a problem that has become epidemic, a physician draws on his own experience with burnout and interviews those who are susceptible to the condition or are surprisingly resilient.

  • Presenteeism Common in Long-Term Care

    Results of a study using active surveillance for acute respiratory infection over a five-month period revealed that 89% of sick staff in a long-term care facility still reported to work. The facility established policies against such presenteeism, but they may need to be revised to minimize the pressure on staff not to miss work, the authors noted.

  • Flu Vaccination Rates in Long-Term Care Workers Improving

    Improving healthcare worker flu vaccination in long-term care settings remains a challenge, but there are signs of improvement as more facilities are seeking “honor roll” status aimed at reaching higher immunization rates.

  • Ensure Flu Vaccine Policies, Exemptions Are Clear, Equitable

    As more facilities adopt mandatory vaccination policies, they have to decide whether to allow exemptions. Some require influenza vaccination as condition of employment, while others allow specified exemptions. Medical exemptions may include allergy to vaccine components or a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome. One key to these policies appears to be consistency in making equitable arrangements, as workers denied religious exemptions have successfully sued through the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

  • Penetrating Extremity Trauma: Part II

    Part I of this series discussed etiology, initial field management, and emergency department evaluation of penetrating extremity trauma. This article will cover the mangled extremity, recognizing and managing vascular injuries, imaging approach, and emergency department management of these injuries.

  • Postpartum Emergencies

    Postpartum emergencies may include a variety of clinical presentations, ranging from minor concerns to life-threatening emergencies. Common postpartum emergencies include pain, fever, hemorrhage, hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, infection, and depression.

  • Staff Culture Indexing

    Some clients have uniformly rejected candidates based on their traits revealed through culture indexing, while other clients hired candidates on a case-by-case basis.

  • Techniques to Improve Nursing Staff’s Emotional Intelligence

    Surgery center leaders who wish to improve their employees’ emotional intelligence skills should start with the job interview.

  • When Hiring and Training Nurses, the Smart Focus Is on Soft Skills

    Nursing in the 21st century requires exceptional technical and organizational skills. A lot must be handled in short bursts of time. But sometimes this focus has overlooked the soft skills that also are necessary.

  • Tips for Finding the Appropriate Software Solution for Your ASC

    Surgery centers should look beyond the sticker price before selecting an information technology solution.