IHI Provides Practical Steps for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality From Opioids
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has collaborated with the Boston Medical Center to provide a set of best practices for reducing morbidity and mortality related to opioid use disorder, focusing on practical steps that can be taken immediately. Simply reducing the number of opioid prescriptions is not enough, the report authors wrote.
This Flu Season, Consider These Tactics to Manage Capacity, Prioritize Safer Care
Hospitals and EDs should be prepared to manage the kind of capacity problems that result when hospitals accustomed to running at or near full capacity are slammed with a steady flow of influenza patients, many of whom require hospitalization. There are several tactics that can help hospitals and EDs manage the kind of capacity challenges that occur during flu seasons and other periods of peak volume.
Population Health Program Extends Continuum of Care
Valley Health System’s population health program employs post-acute navigators who help coordinate care transitions to skilled nursing facilities, home health, and community providers.
Wearable Technology Can Improve Patient Data Collection
Case managers increasingly will benefit from the use of wearable technology that helps them monitor patients across the care continuum. These devices allow case managers to remotely monitor a patient's progress.
Wearable Technology Reinforces Case Management Teaching, Provides Data
Case management can extend its reach through wearable technology that tracks a patient’s exercise level, sleeping habits, vital signs, medication use, injuries, gait, and other data.
Any Discrepancy in ED Chart Hurts All Med/Mal Defendants
With multiple providers documenting in the ED medical record, there are bound to be some discrepancies from time to time. However, the chart must reflect that discrepancies were recognized and considered by the ED provider.
Damage Caps Can Lead to Unintended Consequences for ED Malpractice
Damage caps render many cases economically unfeasible for plaintiffs’ counsel to pursue. Nonetheless, many ED providers still fear losing what may be an otherwise baseless malpractice claim. Tort reform is a safeguard against these scenarios, but the view looks different from the plaintiff’s perspective.
Most Common Allegation in PE/DVT Malpractice Claims? Failure to Diagnose and Treat
Learn about the essential documentation that can prevent problems.
ED Patients Taken Off Monitors, Alarms Ignored: Med/Mal Suit Likely
Any patient with symptoms worrisome enough to require cardiac monitoring reasonably expects that somebody is paying close attention. The same is true of patients who need frequent blood pressure monitoring, or those with signs and symptoms of sepsis. However, in some cases, patients deteriorate without anyone realizing.
ED Med/Mal Claims Can Become Licensing Board Actions Quickly
To avoid issues with state licensing boards in the event of malpractice litigation, one expert suggests EPs check whether their professional liability insurance covers representation for a board action.