Burnout Prevention Is Central Ethical Concern for Hospitals
Hospitals are facing an immediate ethical challenge to restore the mental health and wellness of clinical staff. This varies greatly from hospital to hospital. Some have done a lot of work around this area, while others have not focused on it as much. Above all, hospitals need to maintain clear lines of communication with staff about the situation.
Macrolides During Pregnancy — Behind the Headlines
Despite published concerns, there is no good evidence that macrolide use during pregnancy causes birth defects.
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Remdesivir and COVID-19
Remdesivir is safe and moderately effective in the treatment of patients with COVID-19.
Ethical Principles Apply to Furloughs and Layoffs
Many hospitals are making tough financial decisions on staffing. Ethical considerations may be overlooked in the process.
CDC Updates Guidance on COVID-19 Transmission in Dental Settings
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated infection control guidelines for COVID-19 in dental settings, including new information on facility and equipment considerations and using test-based strategies to inform patient care.
Public Health Nurses Share Views on Vaccine Education
Debates on how to best respond to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable infections continue. Opinions about mandating vaccines, including if, how, and when, vary widely.
Sharply Divided (and Evolving) Views on Vaccine Refusers
As the world anxiously awaits a vaccine for COVID-19, an ethical debate rages over whether people should be allowed to refuse it.
CDC’s COVID-19 Guidelines on Going Out and Gathering Have Cautions and Caveats
Trying to strike a balance epidemiologically, and perhaps politically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidelines for people wanting to leave home and attend gatherings as COVID-19 cases generally have plateaued nationally.
Massive Switch to Telehealth Is ‘Unparalleled Opportunity’ to Examine Ethics
The sudden and explosive growth of telehealth during COVID-19 demanded sorting out all kinds of logistics, reimbursement, and scheduling processes in short order. The frantic time frames to set it up did not exactly allow for careful ethical reflection.