Exercise and Risk of Falls in Older Adults
The authors of this meta-analysis of 46 multinational randomized, controlled trials exploring the association between long-term exercise training and risk of serious outcomes in adults older than 60 years of age noted a statistically significant reduction in risk for some fall-related outcomes depending on the frequency and intensity of exercise training.
Failure to Diagnose and Treat Infection After Surgery Results in $2.75 Million Award
This case demonstrates the need to carefully monitor patients during the relevant times, particularly during and after surgery, and to investigate abnormal conditions. The primary basis for the medical malpractice liability in this case was the surgeon’s failure to diagnose and timely treat the infection, which escalated and caused severe, irreparable damage and pain to the patient.
$30 Million Award Upheld for Negligent Treatment of Kidney Disease
Although unsuccessful in this matter, the defendant care provider raised an important defensive tool in medical malpractice actions: comparative negligence. States employ different applications of this legal principle.
Ethical Processes Needed When Patients Ask to Stop Left Ventricular Assist Devices
Of patients with left ventricular assist devices, about half end up deciding to withdraw them. Investigators noticed that when the patient was the one making the request, the entire decision-making process seemed to take longer.
Assessing Malpractice Coverage for Improvements
Medical malpractice insurance is a vital part of any risk management program, but it is easy to assume that whatever coverage you have had for a while is adequate. It may not be, and a regular review of your insurance policies is a good way to avoid nasty surprises.
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OSHA Enforcement Prioritizing Hazards Related to COVID-19 Response
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has vowed to take a hard look at complaints and referrals related to employee safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare employers should prepare to answer concerns about employee safety.
Many Hospitals Lacked Ventilator Triage Policies When COVID-19 Pandemic Hit
More than half of institutions did not have ventilator triage policies in place when the pandemic arrived, according to the authors of a study.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Let’s Not Shake on This; The Tricky Business of Treating Early Cocci; On-Site Rapid Detection of Bacteriuria
HHS Distributing $175 Billion in CARES Act Provider Relief Fund
The Department of Health and Human Services is distributing $175 billion to hospitals and healthcare providers to compensate for their coronavirus response. Through the Provider Relief Funds, $50 billion is allocated proportional to providers’ share of 2018 net patient revenue.