New Tuberculosis Testing Guide Supplements CDC Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention dropped annual tuberculosis screening recommendations for healthcare workers last year, saying the disease continues to decline nationwide and healthcare workers appear to be at no greater risk than the general public. However, there are workers who could be exposed at work or in the community, including those from countries with endemic tuberculosis who can be offered new treatments for latent infection.
What Is the Role of Airborne Transmission in COVID-19 Pandemic?
In the absence of aerosol-generating procedures, the public health consensus has been that large droplet particles emitted by a patient do not travel beyond six feet. However, studies have shown that smaller particles can travel farther distances, although there is some question whether they are infectious.
CMS Identifies Telemedicine Quality Tracking Measures
It is important to ensure quality measure actions are included in the workflows for telehealth visits, just as they are included for in-person visits.
‘Masks Work’: CDC Urges Public to Follow Healthcare Worker Example
Public health officials are citing a hospital study on the efficacy of mask use among healthcare workers and patients in preventing COVID-19 transmission to support recommendations recommendations for universal masking in the community.
Medication Reconciliation Improved with Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Health Record
Learn how one Michigan facility blended a mix of new and existing technology solutions to evolve workflows.
Impaired Clinicians Need Attention Now More Than Ever
The burnout and additional stress brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic may be leading more clinicians to abuse alcohol and drugs. It is critical that quality and peer review leaders be on the lookout for such impairment.
Makeup of Peer Review Committee Crucial to Success
The makeup of the committee is the first indication to staff of whether the facility takes the peer review process seriously. If the committee membership appears stacked or biased, the process will never be respected. The committee membership must reflect a balance of diversity, expertise, and availability.
How to Effectively Protect Peer Review Record Confidentiality
Understand state laws and use due diligence to secure and control sensitive digital communication.
Handle Peer Review Records Carefully to Ensure the Most Legal Protection
Most states offer legal protection to peer review records to encourage the free exchange of information necessary for assessing and improving clinician performance. However, that protection can be limited, and missteps can make that data available to plaintiff attorneys.
Advances in Pediatric Neck Trauma: What’s New in Assessment and Management?
Although rare, pediatric neck trauma may have devastating consequences. The author provides current information on recognizing and managing pediatric neck trauma.