IHI Issues Action Plan on Patient Safety
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s National Steering Committee for Patient Safety recently released its national action plan, aimed at helping healthcare organizations reduce preventable medical harm.
Investigators Raise Alarm About Prevalence, Impact of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Emergency Nursing
The fast-paced, unpredictable environment of emergency nursing can lead to trouble. Safety is an ongoing concern, considering the increasing incidence of workplace violence and the continuous flow of patients with infectious diseases. But there is another kind of stress emergency nurses may be reluctant to discuss: that which results from exposure to others’ trauma.
Health System Sends Some COVID-19 Patients Home to Monitor Remotely
At the University of Miami (FL) Health System, certain COVID-19 patients who meet appropriate criteria can be discharged home with a device that facilitates remote monitoring by a care team operating out of the health system’s division of internal medicine.
Better Patient Education Can Lead to Lower Medical Costs
Investigators studied five years of clinical and economic outcomes data for 1,800 patients insured through their employers. They found that when the employees participated in a web-based health literacy program, hospitalizations dropped by 32%, emergency department visits were down 14%, and overall costs declined 11%.
College Case Managers Help Students Cope During Pandemic
College case managers work to help students navigate crises, traumas, and other problems that can affect their educational lives. But some have found the COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that affects more students for longer than any previous emergencies they have helped students manage.
Colleges Turn to Case Management in Response to Gun Violence
Some colleges created case management positions to help troubled students in the years following the 2007 Virginia Tech gun massacre. Case managers help students with crises, emergencies, and medical and behavioral health problems.
About Face: A Review of Facial Paralysis for Emergency Clinicians
Emergency medicine clinicians routinely encounter patients with facial paralysis and need a straightforward way to filter through the wide range of differential diagnoses. This article reviews the fundamentals of facial paralysis, including its epidemiology, anatomy, and differential diagnosis.
Is It Time for a Mask Mandate?
With COVID-19 surging nationally, there are increasing calls for a national mask mandate for the public. There appears to be sufficient evidence to support such a measure as we enter a winter of considerable discontent.
Flu Deaths in Children, Vaccination Hesitancy
Although COVID-19 certainly has caused some infections and deaths in children, they generally have fared well against the virus compared to other age groups. Influenza, on the other hand, can cause severe disease in children.
Emergency Physicians Are Suffering as COVID-19 Resurges
A new survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians, conducted in October, revealed that 87% of emergency physicians say they are more stressed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, 72% report experiencing more professional burnout.