What to Do When Malpractice Allegations Become Defamation
Medical malpractice litigation can get ugly, with passionate plaintiffs and indignant clinicians or hospital administrators firing off heated accusations and insults. But where is the line where a malpractice allegation becomes defamation? What can be done when that happens?
Summary of HHS Guidance on Provider Relief Fund Compliance
The reporting requirements for the Provider Relief Fund should not be a surprise to healthcare organizations. “Free” money usually comes with a lot of strings attached.
Recommended Elements of a Compliance Program
Provider Relief Fund compliance will require an extensive and far-reaching program, experts note.
Provider Relief Funds Require Strict Compliance Program
Risk managers and compliance officers should act now to ensure compliance programs are consistent with the latest guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Norepinephrine Infusion Through Peripheral Intravenous Lines: Is it Safe?
In a large perioperative patient population, norepinephrine infusion through peripheral intravenous lines did not result in any significant adverse events. However, the specific patient population, limited duration of infusion, and hospital setting may limit the generalizability of these findings.
Do We Really Know the Optimal Oxygen Target in Patients with ARDS?
In the LOCO2 study, a conservative oxygen strategy with SpO2 goals of 88% to 92% was not shown to improve mortality over a liberal oxygen strategy as hypothesized, but rather was found to have a worrisome signal of increased mortality and increased mesenteric ischemia.
Management of Pulmonary-Renal Syndrome
The role of the intensivist in the management of pulmonary-renal syndrome includes appropriate respiratory support and recognition and management of concurrent infection, hypovolemia, acute anemia, and coagulopathy.
Ethics Volunteers Still Can Be ‘Fired’ from Committee
It may be worth giving time to the member without ethics knowledge who is willing to learn or a person still developing proper interpersonal skills. Leaders can help teach these skills, transforming borderline members into essential contributors.
Revised Policy on Organ Transplants for Children with Disabilities Targets Discrimination
Children with disabilities can be organ donors, contributing to the supply. Excluding these patients as organ recipients would not be fair. A new policy statement does not consider intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) completely irrelevant, but the authors do not consider IDD to be dispositive for listing decisions either.
Ethical Guidance Needed if Researchers Identify Diagnostic Errors
Clinicians know there is a clear ethical obligation to disclose errors to patients. However, the individual who finds a diagnostic error may not be a clinician in direct contact with the patient. Instead, it might be a researcher who is reviewing a chart long after a patient was discharged. What are researchers’ ethical obligations if they find an error no one else had discovered?